This one is easy. You gotta figure out what makes you happy and what doesn't.
The hard part is getting rid of the things that cause you unhappiness, or in my case, extreme anger. Mind you, saying that, the teenagers sometimes cause me extreme anger and, altho at the time I want to lock them in a room and pretend they are not mine, ultimately I can't! its illegal or something!
Anyway, lets stick to the 'unhappiness' bit. Most of the time, be it a relationship, a job, that one annoying friend that just sucks the everything out of you. It is really really hard to move on, to leave that situation, but what you've got to remember is, that shit doesn't last forever. It's kinda like going one of those awful rollercoaster rides that my girlfriend once made me go on. You really really don't want to do it coz you know it might kill you, the pain of actually dying really isn't worth it so you would just prefer sit on the concrete uncomfortable floor waiting for the lunatic to go on her own, never experiencing the fun you might just have (I didn't) ....but then you take the plunge, mainly because you are sick to death of her moaning you are a coward and she's bored of doing it on her own! and it is really really fucking awful and you think "I'm gonna get her back for this , just as soon as we survive this awful experience" and then...its over. You've ridden the wave and survived. You've gained some bruises along the way, you probably will see things differently but all in all, no more of that negative unhappiness and you start to just be surrounded by your own happy world.
I still have a lot of negative shit to get rid of.... Im currently in the process of quite a big right now, we'll cover that one on another blog.