Yes, My mum has Alzeimers but will never admit it. She refuses to go to the doctors and get tested as, in her words, There is fuck all wrong with her and she is as fit as a fiddle. That may be mum but you lose everything, everyday at a rate that is solely impossible for my step Dad to keep up with.
On losing everything, all the time, she is convinced my Step Dad moves them just to wind her up. Sometimes she'll laugh and admit it is because her brain is shit...which is because my step dad has driven her mad of course hahaha.
The trials and tribulations of living with this horrible horrible disease......
So the story of my Mum. My Mum and Dad were married for 28 years before my Dad decided to abandon ship....not really his choice, his heart had had enough of life I guess and bailed. They were the sweetest couple ever, always holding hands, hugging, was like, uurrghhh get a room you two, you're old now, just stop it. My mum was always crazy active, she ran my dads jewellery business as well as her own dressmaking one and did so much sport, from aerobics, squash ( you know you're old when you can still remember squash) swimming, you name it, she did it! ate like a rabbit too, mostly salads and water, and to this day I don‘t think Ive seen her indulge in more than a couple of mouthfuls of cake. She also ran around after 3 kids daily, and all while dressed smart and extremely elegant and in 6 inch heels most days. Remarkable, Until she almost broke her ankle one day running for the train after one of my orthodontic appointments....boy did she swear an awful lot...mainy at the train driver for daring to rush her!! The heels then went down to 4-5 inch!!!!
So when they now say the various ways to avoid alzeimers, eat healthy, exercise, keep your brain active, I think, well that's just a load of bullshit. My mum did all that and more, didn't help her one bit...except she IS extremely healthy, just has a very tired confused brain.
Sadly my mum lives far away from me now, in sunny Florida, so that makes everything doubly hard. Our phone conversations are both hysterical, sad, calming, heart warming, heart breaking. Its all a big mush of emotions, me and my brother laugh about a lot of things both with my mum and about our situation, its how we get through it all. We try and get over to see her every 3-4 months, sometimes my brother, sometimes me. My last trip in June was cancelled as my girl teen human tried to die on us by bursting her spleen....I mean come on kids ffs, as if its not hard enough this whole teenage lark that you have to scare us all to death too.
My next blog will cover Mums ability to laugh at herself....or blame my step dad Doug, or even my dad who is now known as 'the other Doug'...the Greek one, for dying on her. Although she can't remember what happened to him anymore, sometimes I'm tempted to say she killed him to see what she'd say, I mean lets face it, she'd forget I said that 5 minutes after. I know my mum, she'd say he probably deserved it then start laughing. Told you, we are all slightly deranged in this very dysfunctional family of ours!